divendres, 16 de juny del 2017


Hi everybody,
Today I will do the last post of these year that will be about the energy.
 There are different ways to produce electrical energy,but the main ways are:

- Steam: A steam power plant or generator produces electricity by burning fuels, including biomass, coal or petroleum.

- Water: It is generated from water that is called hydroelectricity. Falling water rotate the blades of a hydroelectric turbine, which in turn moves the copper armature inside the electric generator to produce electricity.

- Wind: A wind power plant rotates the blades of a turbine. which move the copper armature to generate electricity.

 There are som innovations to save the energy such as light bulbs that need less enery, new ways to produce renewble energy.

Different ways to save energy at home:
  • Change light bulbs.
  • Conserve water.
  • Make windows more efficient. 
To save the electricity we have proposed as a workshop task to make a solar over in order to cook things using the energy that it is provided by the sunlight.I go with Aina Monroig ans Tomeu Carrió, we do the solar oven made with wood.
Resultado de imaxes para solar oven

This course have been my 2nd year of technology, and I have liked a lot and I have enjoyed so much, what I liked more is go to the workshop because I like a lot to use the machines. The program that I have enjoyed a lot with the computers have been the kahoot and the powtoon 

Resultado de imaxes para powtoon

Resultado de imaxes para kahoot

dimarts, 2 de maig del 2017


Today I will talk about the activitie that we did in the workshop with two studens that came from the universitiy. We make a windmill with 50 min and we work like an enginer, that anenginer is a person trained and skilled in the design, construction, and use of engines or machines. I have pass a funny momento with my team and all the members of the team work hard to make the wind mill and we divided the work in two grups into the sambe one. One grup make the structure and the other grup make the blade of the mill, but was a Little bit dificult to subject all the blades with aluminium paper.
We doesn't achieved the goal because our wind mill doesn't turn around because we make the blades wrong and the structure was a Little bit a disaster and could be more improved.

We have worked more or less like an enginer in one hand yes because we make the wind mill and we try that the wind mill turn around, and for the other hand no because we did bad the wind mill.

I liked a lot this activitie that they prepare for us, and I have enjoyit a lot and we work like an enginer, well, we tried, but it was a very good activitie for us.                                                       

dijous, 12 de gener del 2017


In the oceans there are a lot of huge problems for the plastics.Every year they collect 150 tons of plastics and the causers of this problems are the humans.
This situaton hams to us because:
-Fish are contamined by the plastics that humans throw
-Humans fish the contamined fish and then they eat

Boyan Slat
Boyan Slat born 27 July in 1994 is a Dutch inventor and entrepreneur who creates technologies to solve societal problems.He is the founder and CEO of The Oceans Cleanup, which develops advanced technologies to rid world's oceans of plastic.He designed a passive system for concentrating and catching plastic debris driven by ocean currents.This won a prize for Best Technical Design at Delft University of Technology and he has established a fundation "The Ocean Cleanup" to further develop and eventually implement the technology.